IB Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end, the IB works with schools, governments, and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. This program encourages students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
IB Criteria for Selection
Due to the high demand for the limited number of spaces available each year in the CWA IBO’s Primary Years Programme (PYP), students seeking admission undergo an assessment and interview process.
Registration of Pupils for CWA
All students seeking entrance to Children’s World Academy are assessed.
Students shall be registered at Children’s World Academy in the following order of priority, according to the capacity of the school and the space available at each grade level.
- Children who achieve the highest assessment scores will have priority.
- Children who have siblings in the school who score the same as students who do not have siblings in the school will have priority.
- Children who live in the LaSalle/Verdun territory who score the same as students who live outside the territory will have priority.
- Children who will turn 5 as of September 30, in a given year will have priority if they are placed on the waiting list.
See our Admission Policy for more detailed information about registering at CWA.
CWA Graduates
Students who complete the IBO’s Primary Years Programme (PYP) at the elementary level are well prepared to pursue secondary level studies leading to two diplomas:
- Diploma of International Secondary Education (Middle Years Programme) from the International Baccalaureate Organization;
- High School Leaving Diploma from the Ministry of Education.
Taking Action & Community Service
The students at Children’s World Academy must be prepared to work at building peace in their world by studying the social conditions in their environment and by using what they have learned in school in day to day living.
Taking action and Community Service extend the focus beyond the classroom and encourages responsible, caring participation in one’s local setting and in the wider world. Through firsthand experience the student learns how other people live while contributing something of benefit.
Students should demonstrate commitment and curiosity through their activities. Students should be creative in their pursuits.
Taking action involves the students on a voluntary basis, performing a task that will respond to a problematic and will benefit a segment of their community, be it in the family, the school, the neighborhood or the world.
We strongly encourage students to take action, whatever big or small it may be! Parents are encouraged to notify the principal, the IB coordinator or classroom teacher of any action taken by their child so we can recognize their effort with the entire school community. To this end, we have created a “Taking Action” printable form that is available on our website.
For more information about how community service cards work, you can contact our PYP coordinator, Mr. Guy Walker, at gwalker@lbpearson.ca.
Related Documents
Units of Inquiry
There are six units of inquiry at each grade level, under the following transdisciplinary themes:
- Who we are
- Where we are in place and time
- How we express ourselves
- How the world works
- How we organize ourselves
- Sharing the planet
Each unit of inquiry identifies a central idea dealing with a larger concept. In turn, this concept is broken down into specific lines of inquiry.
Please click here for more detailed information on CWA’s Programme of Inquiry.
Click on any of the following links to see more details about the units of inquiry at each grade level.
IB Parental Involvement – General Information
Strong parent involvement is an important part of daily life at Children’s World Academy. Parents are involved through their membership on committees that are vital to our functioning, such as our school’s Governing Board, and PPO (Parent Participation Organization). Parents are also present as volunteers filling any of a number of essential roles, from helping to run the library, to supervising field trips, to organizing special school-wide events.
We also want parents to understand how the PYP works, and to also be active participants in the programme itself. Parents can do so in a number of key ways:
- Sharing professional and personal experiences through class visits
- Using the IB vocabulary at home with their children
- Helping us to recognize students for demonstrating one of the Learner Profile Attributes in their daily lives
- Encouraging their children to participate in “Community Service” activities
- Asking their child inquiry-type questions
Below are links to a number of documents that will help you do these things:
Learner Profile Related Vocabulary
We encourage our parents to use the vocabulary related to the IB programme with their children at home.
Click here to find out more about how to apply the terminology of the Learner Profile in your child’s life outside of school.
I See IB / Je vois l’IB
When your child has clearly demonstrated some attribute of the Learner Profile, let us know! You can do this by filling out an “I See IB” card, and sending it in to your child’s teacher. These cards are kept in students’ portfolios and demonstrate their progress as they develop the Learner Profile.
Click here for copies of the I See IB card in English
Click here for copies of the Je vois l’IB card in French
I Wonder / Je Me Demande
Inquiry-based teaching and learning is a fundamental element of the PYP. One of the ways in which we actively encourage students to develop the critical thinking skills central to this pedagogical approach is by helping them to formulate questions about what they are learning or what they want to learn about. Students’ questions about a wide variety of topics and issues are posted in the lobby of the school on our “I wonder/Je me demande” board, and a few are read out at monthly assemblies. You can get involved too by helping your child to articulate a question that he / she may have been wondering about. Your child can write out a question on the “I wonder/Je me demande” form and bring it in to his/her teacher.
Click here for copies of this form in English and French.
For more information, please contact our PYP coordinator Mr. Guy Walker at gwalker@lbpearson.ca